
Browse our galleries and discover the history of Tiradentes

How Everything Began

Linhas do tempo que mostram os processos históricos da cidade de Tiradentes, desde sua ocupação primária até a atualidade, passando... Timelines showcasing the historical processes of the city of Tiradentes, from its primary occupation to the present day, including the arrival of the railroad, its relevance, and its decline as a means of transportation.


Dois séculos, aproximadamente, separam a ocupação primária da região onde hoje se localiza a cidade de Tiradentes e a chegada... Two centuries approximately separate the primary occupation of the region where the city of Tiradentes is now located and the arrival of the train. This time was marked by the exploitation of precious metals, indigenous peoples and enslaved blacks, by wars such as the Emboabas, and by protest movements such as the Inconfidência Mineira. During this time, Tiradentes was also known as Arraial Velho do Rio das Mortes, Vila São José, among other names. In addition, the region went through cycles of economic recession and recovery.

EFOM And The Railroad

A primeira ferrovia do Brasil teve como objetivo interligar as áreas produtoras de matérias-primas em direção aos portos para facilitar... The first railway in Brazil aimed to connect the areas producing raw materials to the ports to facilitate transportation. In 1854, the D. Pedro II Railway was inaugurated in Rio de Janeiro. By the end of the 18th century, most cities in Minas Gerais, due to the decline of gold in the region, experienced regional economic lag compared to the coastal provinces. In 1878, the Estrada de Ferro Oeste de Minas (EFOM) was established with the primary goal of connecting the region to Rio de Janeiro.

Tiradentes Station

Muitas são as histórias que compõem a narrativa ferroviária de Tiradentes. Na década de 1950 a 1970, a Estação de... There are many stories that make up the railway narrative of Tiradentes. From the 1950s to the 1970s, the Tiradentes Station was a place of leisure and social gatherings: on Sundays, residents would go to the station just to watch the train pass by or to stroll. Until the 1970s, the train was practically the only means of transportation used by the residents of Tiradentes. News and correspondence from other cities arrived via the mail car.

A parada da Caixa D'água

No trecho de Tiradentes a Prados foi construída uma caixa d’água de ferro no intuito de abastecer as locomotivas. Com... On the stretch from Tiradentes to Prados, an iron water tank was built to supply the locomotives. Over time, this water tank became a train stop, and a community emerged around it, known to this day as Caixa d’Água da Boa Esperança. The train played a fundamental role in strengthening the local economy. Milk and fruits produced in the community were transported by train. The products were taken to the train stop platform. Additionally, the site had a guardhouse where cargo and orders were stored.

César de Pina Station

A Estação César de Pina pertencia ao Ramal de Águas Santas, que foi inaugurado em 21 de agosto de 1911... The César de Pina Station belonged to the Águas Santas Branch, which was inaugurated on August 21, 1911, and deactivated in 1966. The main purpose of constructing this branch was to connect the city of São João Del Rei to the Águas Santas spa. The station facilitated the circulation of agricultural products, especially fruits, vegetables, and greens produced by Italian immigrants living in the Marçal and Giarola colonies, to be sold in São João Del Rei. Surrounding the station, there were once buildings including a school, a warehouse, a church, and a football field. In 2007, the station was listed as a heritage site, and in 2023, it was restored.

Águas Santas Station

Uma mina de água com poderes de cura, localizada no pé da Serra São José, foi descoberta no final do... A water spring with healing powers, located at the foot of the São José Mountain, was discovered in the late 19th century by José Rodrigues de Miranda. Around the same time, pharmacist Antônio Gonçalves Araújo Penna verified that the water found was radioactive and thermal, and he built a spa on his farm. This location became an attraction for residents throughout the Vertentes region. Inaugurated in 1911, the Águas Santas Branch and Station remained active until 1966, when it was demolished and the area was flooded by an artificial lake. In 1915, the Nossa Senhora da Saúde Chapel was inaugurated, where masses and religious festivities are held.


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