Mr. Araújo Penna and Mrs. Joanna’s children and grandchildren next to the public bathrooms at the Spa Town, 1909. Author unknown, 1909. Araújo Penna Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
View of the spa – 1960s. Author unknown. Abreu Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Swimming pool and diving board at the spa – 1960s. Author unknown. Abreu Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Children on the edge of the spa pool – 1950s. Author unknown, date unknown. Luiz Antônio Ferreira Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Station with children and Franciscan friars. Franciscan Friar, 1948. Fernando Braga Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Station. Author unknown, 1950s. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Spa in the 1940s. Author unknown, date unknown. Antônio Hipólito and Maria José Moura do Nascimento Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Outdoor Mass at Capela Nossa Senhora da Saúde (Our Lady of Health Chapel). Author unknown, 1960. Rodrigues de Carvalho Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Facade of Capela Nossa Senhora da Saúde (Our Lady of Health Chapel). Author unknown, 1989. Araújo Penna Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Nossa Senhora da Saúde Chapel, restored. Author unknown. 1990s. Araújo Penna Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Bridge over Rio das Mortes on the São João del-Rei branch to Águas Santas. Author unknown, 1940s. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Spa. Author unknown, 1980s. Luiz Cruz Collection.
Águas Santas Spa. Author unknown, 1980s. Luiz Cruz Collection.
César de Pina Station - a gathering of catechists, children, and staff, including Mr. Ataliba Reis, who served as the station's keeper. Author unknown, 1940s. Maria Aparecida Gomes Pitt Collection.
Warehouse and religious house in the César de Pina neighborhood, 2012. Luiz Cruz, 2012. Author's collection.
Casa da Cerâmica (Ceramics House) in the César de Pina neighborhood, 2012.
César de Pina Station after restoration in 2023. Marina Fares, 2024. Agência de Iniciativas Cidadãs (AIC) Collection.
Ships carrying Italians arriving at the port of Santos, São Paulo. Author unknown, 1907.
Immigrant registration documenting Longatti's arrival in Brazil through the São Paulo port at the end of the 19th century. Public Archives of the State of São Paulo Collection, 19th century document.
Longatti family selling tangerines at the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Author unknown, 1967. Image from Paulo Gil Soares' film “As proezas de Satanás na Vila do Leva e Traz.”
Passenger train at the Caixa D'Água Railway Stop, headed to the Antônio Carlos Railway Station. Gentil, 1983. João Marcos Guimarães Silva digital collection, available on Facebook.
Locomotive passing by Caixa D'Água da Esperança. Olaf Rasmussen, 1977. Author's collection.
Bicycle ride held at the Caixa D'Água Stop in 2013 to commemorate its centenary. Luiz Cruz, 2013. Author's collection.
Everyday life at Tiradentes Station. Ramiro Nascimento, 1982. Personal collection. Ramiro Nascimento -São João Del Rey (11).JPG
Tiradentes Station seen from the front. Lambrequins adorning the roof of the station can be observed. Author unknown, 1920. Acervo Hugo Caramuru.
Tiradentes Station and Locomotive 42. Mário Arruda, 1984. Personal collection.
1920s employees on the Baroneza, the first locomotive to travel in Brazil on the Estrada de Ferro de Mauá (Mauá Railroad), inaugurated in 1854. João Emilio Gerodetti and Carlos Cornejo, undated. Personal collection.
Train driver Moacir Silveira sitting at the telegraph table inside Tiradentes Station. Author unknown, 1985. Moacir Silveira’s collection.
Tiradentes Station agent João Carlos using the telegraph. José Geraldo Caldas, 1970s. Personal collection.
Cerâmica Progresso Industrial Ltda. Factory – 1990s Luiz Cruz, 1990s. Author's collection.
Tiradentes Station Platform and Railway Siding for the Fábrica Cerâmica Progresso Industrial Ltda. Humberto Paolucci, 1976. Family collection.
“Salted Butter – Sandra Dairy – Prados, Western Minas Railroad” – Label for a can of butter produced in Prados-MG. Industrial stamping in Juiz de Fora, undated. Lithographic Catalog – Litografia de Lotus Lobo, 2018.
“Best Quality Butter – Brand: Pipoca – Itapecerica, Western Minas Railroad” – Product packaging featuring the EFOM brand and identification of the production site. Industrial stamping in Juiz de Fora, undated. From the book “Memória Ferroviária” (Railway Memories) , by Luiz Antonio da Cruz, 2016.
Indigenous People Crossing a Stream (Slave Hunter)1820-1830. Jean-Baptiste Debret, 1972. WikiMedia Collection.
Os Bandeirantes. Henrique Bernardelli, 1889. Brazilian National Museum of Fine Arts Collection.
View of São João del-Rei. Johann Moritz Rugendas, 1824. From the book “Rugendas e o Brasil Obra Completa” (Rugendas and Brazil: Complete Works), 2002
Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Luiz Cruz, 2011. Author's collection.
Bandeirantes on their Way to Minas. Oscar Pereira da Silva, 1920. Museu Paulista Collection.
View of Tiradentes. Walsh, 1829. Photo of an engraving from in R. Walsh's book, “Notícias do Brasil” (1828-1829). (Reproduction: S. JOSÉ CITY AND SERRA DE SÃO JOSÉ)
The Inconfidentes’ Flag. Carlos Oswald, 18th century. Wikipedia collection.
Mining in 19th Century. Johann Moritz Rugendas, 19th century. From the book “Rugendas e o Brasil Obra Completa” (Rugendas and Brazil: Complete Works), 2002
Newspaper clipping about Emperor Dom Pedro II's second journey to Tiradentes (previously known as São José del-Rei) in 1881, coinciding with the inauguration of the Estrada de Ferro Oeste de Minas (Western Minas Railway). Author unknown, 1881. João Marcos Guimarães Silva digital collection, available on Facebook.
Lake of the Freed People. José Belini dos Santos, 1940. Tiradentes IPHAN Office Collection.
Matriz de Santo Antônio Church and Serra de São José. Miguel Aun, 1930s. Olinto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho digital collection, available on Facebook. From the book “Tiradentes, cidade singular e romântica” (Tiradentes: A Unique and Romantic City), 2019.
Waters House. Clarice Flores, 2024. Agência de Iniciativas Cidadãs (AIC) Collection.
Tourism in Serra de São José. Clarice Flores, 2024. Agência de Iniciativas Cidadãs (AIC) Collection.
PARTIAL VIEW OF THE CITY, 1921. J.B. Ramalho, undated. From the book “A Matriz de Santo Antônio em Tiradentes” (The Church of Santo Antônio in Tiradentes) Brazilian National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) Collection.
HOUSES ON RUA DA CÂMARA WITH THE TOWERS OF THE SANTO ANTÔNIO CHURCH IN THE BACKGROUND. W. J. Craig, 1948. From the book “Tiradentes Minas Gerais Imagens” (Tiradentes, Minas Gerais – Pictures), IPHAN, 2010.
Locomotive approaches Tiradentes Station; to the left of the line, a prominent ceramics factory in the region, Fábrica Cerâmica Progresso Industrial Ltda (Industrial Progress Ceramics Factory). Ramiro Nascimento, 1981. Personal collection.
A locomotive in front of Tiradentes Station; to the right of the track, some buildings stand out, including the kaolin warehouse. Ramiro Nascimento, 1981. Personal collection.
ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN COMPLEX ON RUA DIREITA, WITH SERRA DE SÃO JOSÉ IN THE BACKGROUND. G. Ferrez, 1948. From the book “Tiradentes Minas Gerais Imagens” (Tiradentes, Minas Gerais – Pictures), IPHAN, 2010.
Locomotive 1 - Original photo by Baldwin Locomotive Works EFOM NO. 1. Vance Bass, 19th century. Ferrovia Vez and Voz Collection.
Luxury car that transported Dom Pedro II at the inauguration of EFOM – 19th century. Ismael Gryzinski, 19th century. Personal collection.
EFOM headquarters at the São João del-Rei Station – early 20th century. Author unknown, early 1900s. Estações Ferroviárias do Brasil Collection.
Locomotive at the Águas Santas Station. Author unknown, early 20th century. Olinto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho digital collection, available on Facebook.
Locomotive in the 1930s and 1940s. Manoel Monachesi, undated. Ricardo Resende Coimbra Collection.
Tiradentes Station Platform. Author unknown, 20th century. From the book “Tiradentes Minas Gerais Imagens” (Tiradentes, Minas Gerais – Pictures), IPHAN, 2010.
“Is This the End? – The Western Minas Railway is on its last legs, with only 12 kilometers still operational between São João Del Rey and Tiradentes. It stands as one of the world's last narrow-gauge steam railways, a line that old railroaders and the city of São João are determined to preserve until the very end. Report by Julio Moreno. Photos by João Pires.” Cover of Jornal da Tarde regarding the potential discontinuation of the train service on the São João del-Rei-Tiradentes route. Carlos R Almeida, 10.09.1983. Jornal da Tarde (Afternoon Newspaper) collection.
Diesel-electric locomotive 2524 from FCA - Ferrovia Centro-Atlântica [Central Atlantic Railroad] Fernando Picarelli, 2002. Personal collection.
Mr. Araújo Penna and Mrs. Joanna’s children and grandchildren next to the public bathrooms at the Spa Town, 1909. Author unknown, 1909. Araújo Penna Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
View of the spa – 1960s. Author unknown. Abreu Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Swimming pool and diving board at the spa – 1960s. Author unknown. Abreu Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Children on the edge of the spa pool – 1950s. Author unknown, date unknown. Luiz Antônio Ferreira Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Station with children and Franciscan friars. Franciscan Friar, 1948. Fernando Braga Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Station. Author unknown, 1950s. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Spa in the 1940s. Author unknown, date unknown. Antônio Hipólito and Maria José Moura do Nascimento Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Outdoor Mass at Capela Nossa Senhora da Saúde (Our Lady of Health Chapel). Author unknown, 1960. Rodrigues de Carvalho Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Facade of Capela Nossa Senhora da Saúde (Our Lady of Health Chapel). Author unknown, 1989. Araújo Penna Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Nossa Senhora da Saúde Chapel, restored. Author unknown. 1990s. Araújo Penna Family Collection. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Bridge over Rio das Mortes on the São João del-Rei branch to Águas Santas. Author unknown, 1940s. From the book “Águas Santas, Memórias de uma Época em Nossos Corações” (Águas Santas: Memories of an Era in Our Hearts), Maria do Carmo Lopes de Oliveira Braga, 2019.
Águas Santas Spa. Author unknown, 1980s. Luiz Cruz Collection.
Águas Santas Spa. Author unknown, 1980s. Luiz Cruz Collection.
César de Pina Station - a gathering of catechists, children, and staff, including Mr. Ataliba Reis, who served as the station's keeper. Author unknown, 1940s. Maria Aparecida Gomes Pitt Collection.
Warehouse and religious house in the César de Pina neighborhood, 2012. Luiz Cruz, 2012. Author's collection.
Casa da Cerâmica (Ceramics House) in the César de Pina neighborhood, 2012.
César de Pina Station after restoration in 2023. Marina Fares, 2024. Agência de Iniciativas Cidadãs (AIC) Collection.
Ships carrying Italians arriving at the port of Santos, São Paulo. Author unknown, 1907.
Immigrant registration documenting Longatti's arrival in Brazil through the São Paulo port at the end of the 19th century. Public Archives of the State of São Paulo Collection, 19th century document.
Longatti family selling tangerines at the Feast of the Holy Trinity. Author unknown, 1967. Image from Paulo Gil Soares' film “As proezas de Satanás na Vila do Leva e Traz.”
Passenger train at the Caixa D'Água Railway Stop, headed to the Antônio Carlos Railway Station. Gentil, 1983. João Marcos Guimarães Silva digital collection, available on Facebook.
Locomotive passing by Caixa D'Água da Esperança. Olaf Rasmussen, 1977. Author's collection.
Bicycle ride held at the Caixa D'Água Stop in 2013 to commemorate its centenary. Luiz Cruz, 2013. Author's collection.
Everyday life at Tiradentes Station. Ramiro Nascimento, 1982. Personal collection. Ramiro Nascimento -São João Del Rey (11).JPG
Tiradentes Station seen from the front. Lambrequins adorning the roof of the station can be observed. Author unknown, 1920. Acervo Hugo Caramuru.
Tiradentes Station and Locomotive 42. Mário Arruda, 1984. Personal collection.
1920s employees on the Baroneza, the first locomotive to travel in Brazil on the Estrada de Ferro de Mauá (Mauá Railroad), inaugurated in 1854. João Emilio Gerodetti and Carlos Cornejo, undated. Personal collection.
Train driver Moacir Silveira sitting at the telegraph table inside Tiradentes Station. Author unknown, 1985. Moacir Silveira’s collection.
Tiradentes Station agent João Carlos using the telegraph. José Geraldo Caldas, 1970s. Personal collection.
Cerâmica Progresso Industrial Ltda. Factory – 1990s Luiz Cruz, 1990s. Author's collection.
Tiradentes Station Platform and Railway Siding for the Fábrica Cerâmica Progresso Industrial Ltda. Humberto Paolucci, 1976. Family collection.
“Salted Butter – Sandra Dairy – Prados, Western Minas Railroad” – Label for a can of butter produced in Prados-MG. Industrial stamping in Juiz de Fora, undated. Lithographic Catalog – Litografia de Lotus Lobo, 2018.
“Best Quality Butter – Brand: Pipoca – Itapecerica, Western Minas Railroad” – Product packaging featuring the EFOM brand and identification of the production site. Industrial stamping in Juiz de Fora, undated. From the book “Memória Ferroviária” (Railway Memories) , by Luiz Antonio da Cruz, 2016.
Indigenous People Crossing a Stream (Slave Hunter)1820-1830. Jean-Baptiste Debret, 1972. WikiMedia Collection.
Os Bandeirantes. Henrique Bernardelli, 1889. Brazilian National Museum of Fine Arts Collection.
View of São João del-Rei. Johann Moritz Rugendas, 1824. From the book “Rugendas e o Brasil Obra Completa” (Rugendas and Brazil: Complete Works), 2002
Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Luiz Cruz, 2011. Author's collection.
Bandeirantes on their Way to Minas. Oscar Pereira da Silva, 1920. Museu Paulista Collection.
View of Tiradentes. Walsh, 1829. Photo of an engraving from in R. Walsh's book, “Notícias do Brasil” (1828-1829). (Reproduction: S. JOSÉ CITY AND SERRA DE SÃO JOSÉ)
The Inconfidentes’ Flag. Carlos Oswald, 18th century. Wikipedia collection.
Mining in 19th Century. Johann Moritz Rugendas, 19th century. From the book “Rugendas e o Brasil Obra Completa” (Rugendas and Brazil: Complete Works), 2002
Newspaper clipping about Emperor Dom Pedro II's second journey to Tiradentes (previously known as São José del-Rei) in 1881, coinciding with the inauguration of the Estrada de Ferro Oeste de Minas (Western Minas Railway). Author unknown, 1881. João Marcos Guimarães Silva digital collection, available on Facebook.
Lake of the Freed People. José Belini dos Santos, 1940. Tiradentes IPHAN Office Collection.
Matriz de Santo Antônio Church and Serra de São José. Miguel Aun, 1930s. Olinto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho digital collection, available on Facebook. From the book “Tiradentes, cidade singular e romântica” (Tiradentes: A Unique and Romantic City), 2019.
Waters House. Clarice Flores, 2024. Agência de Iniciativas Cidadãs (AIC) Collection.
Tourism in Serra de São José. Clarice Flores, 2024. Agência de Iniciativas Cidadãs (AIC) Collection.
PARTIAL VIEW OF THE CITY, 1921. J.B. Ramalho, undated. From the book “A Matriz de Santo Antônio em Tiradentes” (The Church of Santo Antônio in Tiradentes) Brazilian National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN) Collection.
HOUSES ON RUA DA CÂMARA WITH THE TOWERS OF THE SANTO ANTÔNIO CHURCH IN THE BACKGROUND. W. J. Craig, 1948. From the book “Tiradentes Minas Gerais Imagens” (Tiradentes, Minas Gerais – Pictures), IPHAN, 2010.
Locomotive approaches Tiradentes Station; to the left of the line, a prominent ceramics factory in the region, Fábrica Cerâmica Progresso Industrial Ltda (Industrial Progress Ceramics Factory). Ramiro Nascimento, 1981. Personal collection.
A locomotive in front of Tiradentes Station; to the right of the track, some buildings stand out, including the kaolin warehouse. Ramiro Nascimento, 1981. Personal collection.
ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN COMPLEX ON RUA DIREITA, WITH SERRA DE SÃO JOSÉ IN THE BACKGROUND. G. Ferrez, 1948. From the book “Tiradentes Minas Gerais Imagens” (Tiradentes, Minas Gerais – Pictures), IPHAN, 2010.
Locomotive 1 - Original photo by Baldwin Locomotive Works EFOM NO. 1. Vance Bass, 19th century. Ferrovia Vez and Voz Collection.
Luxury car that transported Dom Pedro II at the inauguration of EFOM – 19th century. Ismael Gryzinski, 19th century. Personal collection.
EFOM headquarters at the São João del-Rei Station – early 20th century. Author unknown, early 1900s. Estações Ferroviárias do Brasil Collection.
Locomotive at the Águas Santas Station. Author unknown, early 20th century. Olinto Rodrigues dos Santos Filho digital collection, available on Facebook.
Locomotive in the 1930s and 1940s. Manoel Monachesi, undated. Ricardo Resende Coimbra Collection.
Tiradentes Station Platform. Author unknown, 20th century. From the book “Tiradentes Minas Gerais Imagens” (Tiradentes, Minas Gerais – Pictures), IPHAN, 2010.
“Is This the End? – The Western Minas Railway is on its last legs, with only 12 kilometers still operational between São João Del Rey and Tiradentes. It stands as one of the world's last narrow-gauge steam railways, a line that old railroaders and the city of São João are determined to preserve until the very end. Report by Julio Moreno. Photos by João Pires.” Cover of Jornal da Tarde regarding the potential discontinuation of the train service on the São João del-Rei-Tiradentes route. Carlos R Almeida, 10.09.1983. Jornal da Tarde (Afternoon Newspaper) collection.
Diesel-electric locomotive 2524 from FCA - Ferrovia Centro-Atlântica [Central Atlantic Railroad] Fernando Picarelli, 2002. Personal collection.