
Browse our galleries and discover the history of São João del-Rei

How Everything Began

Linhas do tempo e mapas que mostram um pouco do processo de surgimento de São João del-Rei, sua relevância e... Timelines and maps that show a little of the process of São João del-Rei's emergence, its relevance and its history.

From The Early Development Until The Railway

A exposição se inicia com uma contextualização histórica e espacial de São João. O assentamento e povoamento da região veio... The exhibition begins with a historical and spatial contextualization of São João. The settlement of the region came mainly due to its strategic location, close to the Rio das Mortes and the Rio Elvas, but also as a place to stop and pass, which created a favorable environment for commerce in the region

The Whistle Of The Maria-Fumaça Echoes Through São João

Este módulo vai tratar de como se deu a escolha da cidade como a sede da EFOM e como foi... This module will discuss how the city was chosen as the headquarters of EFOM and how the context facilitated this installation. The construction of the railway in Minas Gerais represented a very important moment in the state's history and the end of the colonial period in the country. The arrival of the railway with the presence of Dom Pedro II and his entourage represented at that moment a triumph of progress and modernity.

Tracks To Progress

O trem de ferro representou um grande salto econômico na cidade, mercadorias chegavam e saiam de São João em uma... The railway represented a great economic leap in the city, goods arrived and left São João at a speed like never before. In this module, we will present how the train changed the city. From culture to the information coming from the Rio de Janeiro court, which were responsible for changing the lives of São João people.


Neste módulo pretendemos apresentar um pouco do que faz a vida de um ferroviário, de acidentes a festas, a vida... In this module we intend to present a little of what makes the life of a railway worker, from accidents to parties, the lives of railway workers seem to be constantly being transformed by the train. ​ The day-to-day experience with colleagues and funny stories, each one with their own personal story to tell. But, equally important, is the prevalence of love for the machine and the work that remains in the memory of those who spent time there.​

The End That Never Came

Neste módulo apresentamos como se deu o processo gradual para o fim do trem de passageiros e conjuntamente o fechamento... In this module we present how the gradual process took place towards the end of the passenger train and the closure of stations and lines that made up the railway network. Also understanding how the process of losing the train was like for the community of São João, which already recognized Maria Fumaça as part of its history.​

Cultural Train

Finalizando a exposição mostramos a continuação da história do trem de São João del Rei e sua importância em manter... Concluding the exhibition, we show the continuation of the history of the São João del Rei train and its importance in keeping Brazilian railway heritage preserved to this day. The module will present, how the railway complex became a heritage and the importance that the train has for the city and its culture.


Visit the map and understand more about the cities and stations!